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Adesuwa Omoruan- a World Class and seasoned Journalist reaches out to even more

Adesuwa Omoruan is dubbed the "queen of selfies" by her siblings. She confesses to taking more selfies than regulars photographs. When Adesuwa Omoruan was a child, she never thought or imagined herself becoming a broadcaster; it was the last thing she ever thought of becoming. As far as she was concerned, the lifestyle of reporters was not up to par with the kind of life she wanted, as the young dreamer that she was at the time. She wanted a life that was rich and full of the best life could offer,  although she wasn't seeking a life that was necessarily flamboyant.  "I just felt that journalist were not paid enough... My idea of a journalist wasn't just working at that time. Sometimes they looked very stressed, very few of them had cars... Growing up, I had this picture of what I wanted to be in life..." She had wanted to become a banker!  As a child, she had taken trips to the bank with her mother on several occasions to cash-in her moth

Check out this Success Quotes

Coming together is a  beginning; keeping  together is progress;  working together is  success.
            -Henry Ford

Success is not final, failure  is not fatal: it is the  courage to continue that  counts.
            -Winston Churchill

Defeat is not the worst of  failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
              -George Edward Woodberry

The starting point of all  achievement is desire.
            -Napoleon Hill

Success is simple. Do  what's right, the right way, at the right time.
              -Arnold H. Glasow

Always be yourself,  express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out  and look for a successful  personality and duplicate it.
                -Bruce Lee

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job  at hand, and the  determination that  whether we win or lose, we  have applied the best of  ourselves to the task at  hand.
                -Vince Lombardi

Success is not the key to  happiness. Happiness is  the key to success. If you  love what you are doing, you will be successful.
                  -Albert Schweitzer

Success is nothing more  than a few simple  disciplines, practiced every day.
                  -Jim Rohn

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you  love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
                    -David Frost

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
                    -Winston Churchill

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to  become a man of value.
                  -Albert Einstein

Action is the foundational  key to all success.
                  -Pablo Picasso

Take up one idea. Make  that one idea your life -  think of it, dream of it, live  on that idea. Let the brain,  muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every  other idea alone. This is the way to success.
                -Swami Vivekananda

Desire is the key to  motivation, but it's  determination and  commitment to an  unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to  excellence - that will  enable you to attain the  success you seek.
                  -Mario Andretti

Happiness lies in the joy of  achievement and the thrill  of creative effort.
                -Franklin D. Roosevelt

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
                -David Brinkley

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and  succeed at.
                  -Stephen Hawking

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
                  -George S. Patton

Success is a lousy teacher.  It seduces smart people into thinking they can't  lose.
                    -Bill Gates

Success makes so many  people hate you. I wish it  wasn't that way. It would  be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those  around you.
                  -Marilyn Monroe

No man succeeds without a good woman behind him.  Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.
                  -Godfrey Winn

The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character,  integrity, faith, love and loyalty.
                -Zig Ziglar

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
                    -Mark Twain

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.
                        -Henry Ford

Think twice before you speak, because your words  and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
                      -Napoleon Hill


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