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Adesuwa Omoruan- a World Class and seasoned Journalist reaches out to even more

Adesuwa Omoruan is dubbed the "queen of selfies" by her siblings. She confesses to taking more selfies than regulars photographs. When Adesuwa Omoruan was a child, she never thought or imagined herself becoming a broadcaster; it was the last thing she ever thought of becoming. As far as she was concerned, the lifestyle of reporters was not up to par with the kind of life she wanted, as the young dreamer that she was at the time. She wanted a life that was rich and full of the best life could offer,  although she wasn't seeking a life that was necessarily flamboyant.  "I just felt that journalist were not paid enough... My idea of a journalist wasn't just working at that time. Sometimes they looked very stressed, very few of them had cars... Growing up, I had this picture of what I wanted to be in life..." She had wanted to become a banker!  As a child, she had taken trips to the bank with her mother on several occasions to cash-in her moth

Certain Skills for Business Success

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to succeed at their business and others do not? Well here are some tips to help you in your success journey:

1- Learn how to sell yourself

Everyone lives by selling something. The sooner you realize that, the better for you and your business. Everyday, we are called upon to sell something- how ideas, business plans, proposals and what have you. It is important we acquire the right set of skills to be able to articulate our ideas and vision to pull in the necessary support and investments.

2- Delayed Gratification

Every business owner needs to cultivate this ability- an ability that allows you to forgo immediate rewards in exchange for a long term objective. For example, your first quarterly earning might needed as a reinvestment for your budding business.

3- Discipline

A very important component is discipline, You need to be discipline enough to achieve your set targets. Stay on track, refuse to waiver and go for what you want.

4- Take Risk

You have to be a risk taker. No two ways about that one. Taking risk doesn't necessarily involve doing stupid things, rather, it is a calculated move to accomplish a set task.

5- Build Rapport

Every business person has got to be able to get people to listen to and trust s/he. This is where having the ability to rapport with others- customers, partners, investors- comes handy.

6- Stay hungry for more

Yes, it is all too easy to fall into the trap of complacency, every business owner/entrepreneur need to keep the drive going. Keep pushing yourself to do better- outdo your previous accomplishments etc.

7- Stay Inspired

Don't let the challenges get to you, don't let them dwindle your flame, stay inspired, keep burning.

8- Learn to stay focus

One of the things I'm good at as an individual is my ability to be focused. You need to remain focused, refuse to allow anything distract you. Try to compartmentalize.

9- Be persistent

Persistence often pay off in the end. Remain persistent, keep the drive, flame your passion.

10- Get more knowledge

You don't know it all, it doesn't matter what you might think- you don't. Read books, magazines and every other things that enhances your knowledge especially when it concerns your area of specialization.

11- Know when to ask for help

There are times when you need to go back to your mentor or senior colleague to ask for help regarding an area you haven't quite grasp yet. Don't be ashamed to ask for help.

12- Stay humble

As you grow in business, one of the things you need to guide against is your ego. Stay humble, it won't cost you anything.

13- Know yourself

Finally, know yourself; know your strength and weaknesses, the things you can handle and those you need to delegate, how much time can you put in before you break down? Know yourself, discover who you are, discover your own style.

There is so much i can share but I'm sure the above tips would come in handy. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.


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